Self-wedding – A Courageous Yes To Yourself

Self-wedding? “Uhh, what’s that?” you might be thinking. What’s behind it is a statement. A statement for self-love. For self-determination. For you. Kathrin Dell-Lenz, an expert who usually creates unforgettable moments for wedding couples, explains what it’s all about.
Self-wedding means self-love. It is not a trend – it’s a way of life. When was the last time you gave yourself a conscious “yes”? Not in passing, not between to-do lists and everyday stress – but a real, deep “yes” to yourself? A self-wedding is exactly that: a promise to yourself that you will no longer put yourself on the back burner. No social label, no “you should” – just you.
Self-wedding – self-love is a journey
It is not a goal that you reach at some point. It is a path that you choose anew every day. It is not the result of perfect moments, but the courage to accept yourself even in your imperfect moments. It means reaching out to yourself when life is stormy and being proud of yourself without having to “perform” anything. Self-love is not loud, it whispers softly: You are enough, just the way you are.
A self-wedding is the moment when you can pause to consciously celebrate this feeling. It’s not about perfection. It’s about embracing yourself with all your facets – loud, quiet, wild, vulnerable. Being your own heroine, your own VIP, either in a ceremony just for you or surrounded by other heroines with the same drive. Complete self-acceptance and love for yourself.
Group program on Mallorca
The first group program will take place on the spanish Balearic island this August. A unique space to focus on yourself. This program is more than just a time-out: it is a consciously chosen setting in which you are surrounded by like-minded people. These are women who walk the same path of self-love and self-acceptance, who offer you not only support, but also inspiration and motivation.
Mallorca is not just a backdrop, but a feeling of freedom. It is an independent place that creates the ideal backdrop for your personal development with its variety of impressions. Away from everyday life, you will find clarity, space for reflection and the freedom to experience yourself in a new way.
You will be accompanied by a mentoring program in the time leading up to it, which will strengthen you emotionally and mentally. The joint ceremony is the highlight of this journey – a conscious ritual that not only honors your inner work, but also anchors you in the power of a supportive community.
But that’s not all: other highlights await you on this special weekend to round off the experience. Small surprises and special moments are planned to connect you even more deeply with yourself. Everything is designed to make you feel 100 percent at home with yourself.
The ceremony – a ritual that comes from the heart
Forget everything you know about traditional weddings. Your self-wedding is as individual as you are. Whether with live music and a large setting or discreet and all to yourself, anything is possible. There are no limits here.
At the group self-wedding, you will be surrounded by an empowering circle. Every woman gets her moment to celebrate her “yes” to herself in a small, personal ceremony. The community creates a space full of support and motivation that encourages each individual in her decision. There are no rules. Just the freedom to celebrate yourself – your way.
A courageous yes. A lifelong promise. To you.
The decision to marry yourself takes courage. It means taking responsibility for your own well-being and no longer allowing yourself to be guided by external expectations. People who take this step often report a deep sense of satisfaction and strength.
The self-wedding is more than a ceremony. It is a powerful symbol of self-love, independence and personal growth. It shows that true happiness begins in the relationship with oneself. Those who treat themselves with respect and love create a stable basis for a fulfilled life. The self-wedding is not a trend. It is a milestone. A powerful symbol for the moment when you realize: I am enough. Not because or for what you have achieved. But simply because you are who you are.

C&C Autorin aus Hannover
Kathrin Dell-Lenz ist eine prägende Persönlichkeit in der Hochzeitsbranche. Als renommierte Hochzeitsrednerin, Trainerin und Gründerin der größten deutschsprachigen Hochzeits-Community „Deine TrauFamily“ gestaltet sie unvergessliche Momente im In- und Ausland und setzt neue Standards. Als Autorin, Ausbilderin für Hochzeitsredner/innen und Expertin für Personal Branding verhilft sie Dienstleistern zu mehr Sichtbarkeit und nachhaltigem Erfolg. Ihre Arbeit ist geprägt von Leidenschaft, Authentizität und einem tiefen Verständnis für die individuellen Bedürfnisse ihrer Klientel.