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Pigeonholing: The Hidden Limits Of Our True Diversity

Hardly any of us are free from pigeonholing. We are all complex, multidimensional beings full of potential. But the rigid ideals that we are supposed to live up to place invisible chains on us that have a massive impact on our lives.

Pigeonholing is an unconscious program. Everyone has certain ideas about how someone should be in a certain role – be it at work or in everyday life. These preconceived ideas and expectations lead to unconscious programs that prevent us from developing our true self and living a life that corresponds to our heart.

In this guest article, Steffen Backhaus, spiritual life coach and mentor, sheds light on the need to recognize and live our true identity – without pigeonholing. He challenges us to pause and reflect: What do we feel every day? What thoughts do we have? How long does it take us to make decisions? How often do we seek the opinions of others? Who makes decisions in our lives – our heart, our mind, our gut feeling or other people?

The shackles of social expectations

Do you remember how you were taught as a child not to make mistakes? From a young age, especially at school, we learn that mistakes are undesirable. This deeply ingrained pattern influences our entire lives. We strive to always make the right decisions and avoid mistakes at all costs. It thus conveys fear, insecurity, doubt, worry, mistrust, etc. on an energetic level – in subcommunication.

But what happens as a result of our pigeonholing? We move further and further away from our true essence and prevent the development of our full potential. In truth, we are souls; each soul is an inseparable part of the entire universe, the origin, the one source that created everything.

Inner wisdom and outer dependencies

There is an inner wisdom anchored in every wonderful soul that is unsurpassed by the opinions of others. This wisdom should determine our lives, not the expectations of society. The current life situation is irrelevant as long as the energy in the here and now is right. When we focus on the now and live in harmony with our inner wisdom, our life automatically transforms into the ideal we desire. The greatest gift you can give yourself and the world is to express your true essence.

The mind often only sees problems, difficulties and limitations. It tells us what is realistic and what is not. But the mind, our personality and our body are only instruments for the human experience. Our soul has consciously chosen this body to have these experiences. We are consciousness, pure existence, and our perception is always accurate and flawless. As children, we were perfect in our perception, we instinctively knew what was right and what was wrong – without thinking in pigeonholes.

The path to true essence

But in the course of our lives, we make ourselves dependent on external circumstances. We believe that we are only happy and fulfilled when these circumstances are right and our pigeonholing is complete – when we have enough money, the perfect partnership, the right career. But true being is boundless and creates from the inside out. It does not allow itself to be influenced by external circumstances, but follows its inner wisdom.

These illusions of the mind, the patterns, programming and conditioning, often begin in the womb. A baby is born as a blank slate, free and carefree. But it wants to experience perfect love, unconditional love. If it does not receive this, patterns and beliefs develop early on that shape our later life. These patterns are reflected in our life situations until we recognize them and dissolve our pigeonholing.

Pigeonholing – the cause lies within ourselves

We keep attracting similar situations because the cause lies within ourselves. Our beliefs, convictions and assumptions create our reality. If we believe that there are no real partners who are serious or that we are not loved, life will reflect these beliefs back to us. This applies to all aspects of life!

The solution is to change our being. As an awakened consciousness of our true essence, we know no boundaries. Unconditional love for ourselves is the prerequisite for speaking, acting and living our deepest truth. It’s not just about thinking about it, but really feeling it and living it in every life situation.

Every time we decide against our heart, we deny ourselves and our true essence. The rules of life are simple: first comes the decision, then comes success. As wisdom says, success comes after the decision. Living the deepest truth from our heart means striving for truth in every aspect of life!

Letting go of everything that feels unnatural and imperfect from your true self. Furthermore, true calling comes naturally, for this it is crucial to remember who YOU really are from your true essence. Living your true calling is universal, where there is no more work involved. You sense and feel it with your entire being. It allows you to blossom completely, gives you enormous life energy instead of robbing it.

The soul, our leading actor

Every soul is the main actor, author and director of its own life. The question that everyone should ask themselves is: Do I want to live my life in deepest truth, with pure joy of life, full of vitality, in absolute abundance, peace and love, with massive freedom, being completely happy and fulfilled so that every moment is pure pleasure and my life automatically transforms step by step into the ideal? Or do I want to limit my true potential and build my life on a lie? Continue with my pigeonhole thinking?

The decision is up to each of us. If it is our deepest truth to end a love relationship, we should make this decision from the heart, without fear of the consequences. This applies to all decisions in life! Because only then can we unleash our true power and lead a life that corresponds to our true limitless potential.

mental coaching, Pigeonholing

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