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Fit and Fabulous in 2021: 
Transforming Your Wellness Goals

Trying times can wreak havoc on our physical and emotional health, and this can take a toll on our quality of life, making us feel older than our true age. Fortunately, we have the ability to make changes in our lives to improve our overall wellness. We can effectively transform our health and fitness through research-based methods and create lasting results. Culture and Cream offers the following guidance on how to stay fit and fabulous.

Benefits of Fitness

Exercise and healthy eating can have dramatic effects on how your body feels and functions. Some experts have said that exercise alone can act as a fountain of youth by restoring our bodies’ ability to rejuvenate cells. The key is frequency and variety; people who routinely treat their bodies to exercise and healthy foods have better long-term outcomes than those who engage sporadically.

The Four Components of Exercise

The National Institute on Aging advises that your exercise routine consists of movements that will build on the areas of endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. Engaging in activities that promote these four areas of fitness improve a variety of health outcomes that bode well for a long, healthy life. Endurance and strength-building exercises ensure greater systems-functioning (digestion, circulatory and cardiovascular). Incorporating balance and flexibility movements increases body stability and agility.

Food and Wellness

There is no doubt about the importance of nutrition for a healthy mind and body. Our bodies require basic nutrients to survive, but if we wish to thrive, we should pay attention to the quality of the foods we consume. Foods with a greater nutritional value offer our bodies more to work with; we use nutrients to fight off infection and keep our systems working optimally.

Micro and Macronutrients

Our bodies need foods from six categories: carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, fats, minerals and water. These categories offer micro and macronutrients that our bodies require for basic tasks of survival, and when we make healthy food choices in these varying categories, our bodies often yield the best results, including balanced blood sugar, healthy weight range, improved cardiac function and better energy levels.

Ready, Set, Goals!

Goal setting is a critical aspect of improving health outcomes. We may start out with a vague idea about wanting to be healthier, but we are more likely to follow through when we make a specific written commitment to do so. As you set health and fitness goals, ask yourself a key question before you write anything down such as “Why do I want to get healthier?”. The answer to this question can help guide your goal-setting process. If your “why” is related to longevity or managing an existing health condition, that information can help you formulate the exact goals that will address those needs.

Technology Tools

Technology can be a terrific way to stay on track with fitness goals. Out of the 3.4 billion smartphone and tablet users, around half have downloaded a health app. We are committed to our digital devices, and now we can use these devices to help us stay committed to our health outcomes.
Whether you are interested in tracking caloric intake, finding high-intensity workouts, exploring yoga or psychological boosters to help keep you motivated, the use of apps can keep your health and fitness goals at the forefront of your mind.
For physical fitness and nutritional guidance, apps such as Pocket Personal Trainer can be useful. Pocket Personal Trainer helps you maintain your fitness and nutrition goals through customization for your individual needs. Weekly workout tutorials and meal plans, along with advice from certified coaches offer one-stop convenience and makes this a user-friendly app.
The app Headspace can help with emotional wellness, which is a key component to overall health. Through guided meditations for improving self-esteem to mindful eating meditations, Headspace offers users practical skills for improving all aspects of health.


Health and fitness is a personal journey for each of us. For a well-rounded health experience, focus on a nutrient-rich diet with plenty of water, an exercise routine that incorporates strength and aerobic exercise, and stress reduction techniques for mental health. Tech tools and apps can help us customize the best plan to keep us on track toward our own version of wellness.

For more insight on maintaining overall wellness, look to

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Fitness-Ziele, healthconditions


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