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You Want To Be An Author? These Book Niches Are Best Sellers

You want to write a book? Okay, but every author wants his work to be read. That’s why the most important thing is to choose a topic that will appeal to as many people as possible. Grigori Kalinski, leading coach in the field of Amazon Kindle Publishings, gives practial tips.

When you want to get started with your first projects, the first question is, “What do I want my guidebook to be about?” After that, many, many more arise. Who belongs to the target group? If there are various solutions to problems – do you want to list them all or would you rather just a few specific ones?

At the latest when these questions have been checked off or even when the first pages have already been written, beginners often wonder whether anyone will even read what they want to write. Of course, we want to remain realistic here: It is unlikely that the children’s book, which contains a story that already exists in the form about 200 times on Amazon, will become the bestseller par excellence.

Guidebooks are much more affected by the sheer flood of books and texts than literary texts such as novels. Who wants to spend money to then read a book that contains tips and instructions that already existed like this in every other book? Right. No one.

Better avoid this topics

It is possible to get started with several major genres. Cookbooks and self-help guides are usually at the top of this list. If the tips and also the quality of the guidebook are excellent, getting started with these books can work. However, there are just over 10,000 different self-help books available on Amazon as of April 2022. After 10,000 texts, there are simply no more tips that have not already been written down somewhere at some point. So new books need to include new tips and new value to stand out.

Cookbooks are also always tempting and relatively easy to implement. Regardless of the type of diet, diet or even allergies and intolerances, you can find a variety of books that provide suitable recipes. The truth is: there are a hell of a lot of damn good (cook) books out there, and at least three times as many bad cookbooks. So think about whether you can deliver a cookbook that hasn’t been done before and really adds value for the reader. In the case of recipe books, this includes not only good, new recipes, but also nutritional information and appealing pictures.

How to find a suitable book niche

The subject areas that are not yet so well served are also called “niche topics”. A niche therefore serves a small, precisely selected group of customers. But you don’t just get such niche topics thrown at you on the street. On the contrary, niche topics have to be sought out.

Searching for a niche topic is the first step to getting a place in the current market and not being outbid by the competition every second.It is best to build the search systematically. You start with a brainstorming session that first identifies broad topics. These general topics are then broken down until a sub-topic of a sub-topic,of a sub-topic … is found. With this finally found subtopic you can even narrow down the target group.

A practical example for a book niche

Instead of writing a guidebook that describes the basics of self-sufficiency with a garden, break out individual bits and pieces until you finally publish a guidebook that deals with self-sufficiency from a balcony in old age.

This may sound a little strange at first, but give it a try. Search the Internet for “self-care with garden” – you’ll get thousands and thousands of results. Then search for “self-sufficiency from balcony in old age.” You will still find many books, but certainly very few that actually deal with self-care for seniors.

If you don’t want to or can’t pick up the keys yourself, then it’s just a matter of finding a suitable author who either already knows about the subject or has the time and gift to delve into that very subject. After a short time, you will then shine with a finished text on the topic of self-care for seniors with balconies.

Large little niches

I also use this tactic to selectively find niche topics and thus always serve a strictly chosen clientele. These niche topics helped me gain a foothold as a book entrepreneur and coach at the beginning of my career and are still with me today.

Don’t forget: Germany gives away over 21 million senior citizens and retirees every year. Just because we talk about a “niche topic” doesn’t mean the niche is actually that small. Of those 21 million seniors, it is estimated that two to three million will still be interested in self-care.

Most niche-topic guidebooks are nevertheless read by thousands of people. Compared to a Harry Potter book with over 15 percent readership across Germany (that’s probably about 12,500,000 people), of course, that’s not much. But in the big picture, it looks like this: You would have a potential readership of two to three million readers.

If each reader were to buy one of your guidebooks, which might cost around €12 per copy, you would make a profit of just under €24,000,000 to €36,000,000 without taxes. That won’t happen in exactly the same way, of course, but it will give you an idea of how lucrative the right niche topics can be.


In principle, good money can be made in the Amazon Kindle business, but also in the general online business. For this to work, the topic must fit the future readership and not become another of thousands of already existing guidebooks.

In addition, the book, whether a non-fiction text or not, must offer the reader added value. Suitable niches can actually be found everywhere, if you only look long and hard enough. So-called “seasonal niches” are also very popular. These lend themselves to certain holidays or seasons. For example, you could create or have created a special guide that deals exclusively with plants that can grow in winter. If this guide is then also published at the perfect time, you are sure to have a large readership.

book niches

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