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Tag: whitening toothpaste

Tested for you: Whitening Toothpaste “High On The Beach” from Selahatin

Whitening Toothpaste – These have been with me ever since they came onto the market. I use them to keep my teeth gleaming white – without any bleaching in a whitening studio. However, I am picky when it comes to my toothpaste. I don’t like the ones with a blue content, which are often found on the market, because they look ugly in my mouth and on the sink. What’s more, most of the packaging is hideously “colorful”. For me, whitening means something different in terms of appearance. Whitening Toothpaste with style The whitening toothpaste from Selahatin is completely different. They are already a visual highlight – clean and minimalist in white aluminum tubes (endlessly recyclable!). I was also impressed by the unusual names for toothpaste. You’d be forgiven for thinking it was a chic cocktail in a bar. They are called “Sassafras”, “High on the Beach”, “Snowfall”, “Steam will rise”, “Of Course I Still Luv You” or “Untamed”. I opted for “High on the Beach”. Perhaps because the name of this whitening toothpaste best suits the season. Or because I like the flavors of grapefruit oil, cassia vera, cinnamon and peppermint. The toothpaste’s formula helps to reduce discoloration and gently whiten teeth, while also providing long-lasting fresh breath thanks to the mint. Homage to the summer My whitening toothpaste also contains an antioxidant edelweiss extract and anti-inflammatory limonene from citrus fruit. This natural substance from the terpene family promotes bacterial balance and keeps the gums healthy. The natural amino acid betaine provides moisture, and mineralizing hydroxylapatite, a type of artificial tooth enamel, offers proactive care for sensitive teeth. Thanks to their gentle, four-dimensional whitening process, these whitening toothpastes are suitable for daily use. However, anyone who is hypersensitive or even allergic to one or more of the ingredients should not use the products. I use my Whitening Toothpaste twice, sometimes even three times a day. I try to adhere to the recommendation not to eat or drink for 30 minutes after application for optimum results. However, you should not swallow the product, but rinse your mouth well after use. Incidentally, Selahatin’s tooth/mouth care range also includes an excellent mouthwash and an invigorating mouth spray that you can take with you wherever you go. All products are vegan and cruelty-free and are made in Switzerland. For absolute extravagance in the bathroom, the range includes a marble toothpaste squeezer at the proud price of 450 euros.… weiterlesen