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Tag: styling secrets

Wendy Iles: I just Love Hair!

She is the hairdresser to celebrities like Heidi Klum, Keira Knightley und Cate Blanchett. With C&C she is sharing her secrets of success, her tips, tricks and how-to-do guides. C&C: You received the Hollywood Beauty Oscar for hair in 2016. Wendy Iles: That is nice that you remember that. I always forget about all the time. But it was one of the magic memorable moments other than my marriage to my husband. You obviously must do something special compared to other stylists? It is in my DNA as a hairdresser to care for hair. I love luscious sumptuous hair. If I have someone in my chair, I am always thinking of care first. So I do believe that this was a breath of fresh air when it came to A-listers in my chair and I do believe that it opened up Hollywood for me very quickly. Because all of a sudden there was this hairdresser that was not using hairspray, that was not using mousses. The hair was not sticky. It was not weight down. They would go from a 12 hour shoot to a cocktail to a party, and still at midnight the hair is feeling luscious, clean and beautiful. I honestly think really that is the reason that I care about the hair and I love hair that is touchable and luscious. Which is the absolute must have from your own hair care „Iles Formula“? On a job like mine I don’t have always access to running water. So you get the A-lister in your chair and you have to make whatever you got to happen with what is in your chair. A lot of the time it is tortured hair. I have a serum that has the capability of turning straw to sumptuous silk just by blow drying it in. How do you use this serum? The hair must be at least moistened. In fact my two tools are the Dyson and that „Finishing Serum“. The Dyson because it is really quick, it is ionic, I am not gonna get static, and the serum needs the heat of the hair dryer. You just blow dry it in, never on the roots – always mid length and ends and you dry small piece size on every single section. As you go the serum has the power of turning straw to sumptuous silk. It has the power of making thin, broken fine hair appear and feel thicker.… weiterlesen