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Tag: Mood Scents

Mood Scents: Fragrances That Create A Positive Mood

Stefanie Wirnshofer has realized a heart project after 15 years in PR: Fragrances made from essential oils and gemstones that can positively influence moods. Here she tells the exciting genesis of her Beautifulscents. Mood Scents – I first heard about mood scents in 2013, from an alternative practitioner who had developed such scents. She told me about the fantastic results she had achieved with them in her practice. With a mixture of enthusiasm and skepticism, I bought all the ones that were on the market by then. What I didn’t know at that moment was that Mood fragrances would become my constant companions. No meeting, no customer appointment, no press conference took place without the matching elixir. Moods determine success or defeat, harmony or strife. The scents had such a positive effect on me and my plans that it almost seemed like a miracle. So I gave them away to my friends. Some of them had the same experience as I did. For some, however, they also produced initial aggravations. This slowed me down a little in my enthusiasm at first. Mood Scents became my topic The subject of Mood Scents never left me. No matter how much other professional projects occupied me, there was always the desire in the back of my mind to one day create my own such fragrances. Scents that help create positive moods with one spray. However, I had no idea how to go about it. But wishes that won’t let you go don’t just come out of nowhere. They go their own way towards fulfillment, unimpressed. So one day I met the “king of essential oils”. He is a German professor, 82 years young, and he has a limitless knowledge. For example, also about this: When too many oils are mixed, it can trigger negative feelings in some people at first, which only turn into positive after some time. I learned from him that the effect can be avoided if only a maximum of three different fragrances come together. As I said, wishes are not swayed. At the same time, an acquaintance told me that she happened to meet an old woman in Denmark whose son had injured himself. Another elderly lady heard the cries, immediately came to help and doctored him with tinctures and herbs. The healing was phenomenal. My acquaintance also told me that this healer with the radiant positive aura worked with essential oils and gemstones.… weiterlesen