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Why Do I Prefer Living In Italy Than In Germany?

Italy has been my adopted country for several years now. I feel completely at home here and have arrived in the here and now – even if not all that glitters is gold, even in the sunny south. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Why I prefer to live in Italy – if I had to put it in a nutshell. It’s not the good food, the incomparable smell of lemon blossom or the breathtaking cultural sites. It’s quite simple: in Italy the glass is always half full, in Germany it’s always half empty. It’s simply the southerners’ attitude to life. It is positive, no matter what negative things are going on in politics or the economy. Of course, this attitude also has an effect on the way we live together. Italy – a friendly atmosphere When I go into a store or restaurant in Italy, I am greeted with a friendly come stai – how are you? – This is often accompanied by a compliment – even from women. People help each other if someone obviously needs help or if they hear of an emergency. If I take a wrong or unauthorized turn into a street in my car, there is no honking behind me like in Germany. If someone honks at you, it’s recognition of an acquaintance and a friendly greeting. In Germany, as a guest or customer, I often have the feeling of being a nuisance or even disturbing the staff. Even when I stray into a luxury boutique in Italy for a journalistic store check, I am treated courteously and politely asked about my wishes. Even if there is no Hermès Birkin 40 dangling from my arm. In Munich, it happened to me at both shops – Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent – that the saleswoman acted more distinguished than the customers. Instead of greeting me, I was given the typical “can she afford anything here” look, even though I hadn’t entered the store with torn jeans or worn-out shoes. You don’t find that kind of attitude in Italy. Here, service is still understood as what it should actually be: treating others courteously and giving them the feeling that they are wanted and respected. Foreign shame for Germans on vacation in Italy It hits me really hard when I see average Germans on vacation in Italy. It’s too often a matter of shaming other people. Only the Dutch are almost more conspicuous when it comes to stinginess, politeness and ignorance of other people, their customs and culture.… weiterlesen