Find a good employee. That’s how you recognize him at the first interview!
Good employees are essential for any business. If you hire the wrong people, you will not have less, but possibly even more work than before, because you will have to run after your employees and possibly iron out their mistakes.
Even during the first interview, you should pay attention to a few signs that distinguish a good employee. Of course, all people are individually different, so the factors listed in this article can not be a guarantee, but in the past they have often been able to prove themselves. Grigori Kalinski runs a company himself and over the years has built up a good team with motivated employees. Here, the expert explains the things to which he should pay particular attention during the job interview.
An open, honest communication
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, that is completely normal and should be communicated openly. If the potential employee only talks about how good he is at everything and that problems are always caused by others, then this is a very clear sign that you have someone sitting in front of you who is not capable of taking personal responsibility and standing by himself and his mistakes.
Such people often cause a lot of unrest in the company, because they are not able to take criticism and always look for the blame in other people, but never in themselves. You would do well to choose a person as an employee who has no problem admitting now and then that he has made a mistake and will deal with the situation differently next time.
Unlike the other
People who achieve extraordinary things are always characterized by the fact that they have their very own way of approaching challenges. They think differently than other people and are always solution-oriented. So don’t be put off by the fact that your counterpart has a different way of thinking than you do. Rather, see this fact as an advantage with enormous potential.
Just imagine how bad it would be if every employee in your company approached a certain problem in the same way. Although every task can be taken on and completed by everyone, if one employee is not capable of solving the problem, then no one will be able to – because everyone would approach the problem in the same way.
If, on the other hand, you have many employees in your company, each with their own way of thinking, then everyone will look at the problem from a different angle.… weiterlesen
Grigori Kalinski gilt im deutschsprachigen Raum als führender Coach im Bereich des Amazon Kindle Publishings. Ungeachtet seines jungen Alters ist er seit einigen Jahren gern gesehener Gast in Talkshows und auf Seminaren. Seine Vision von einem besseren Leben führte ihn nach seinem abgebrochenen Studium auf den Amazon-Kindle-Markt. Mit geringem Aufwand konnte er bereits nach wenigen Wochen ein hohes passives Einkommen generieren. Heute gibt der Amazon-Kindle-Experte in Online-Seminaren und Einzel-Strategie-Gesprächen anderen Menschen sein wertvollstes Wissen an die Hand.