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Pigment Spots: Harmless, but Annoying!

Although from a medical point of view the brown spots are harmless, visually they can be quite disturbing. There are many methods of treating them and one of the most modern is fractional laser technology. Pigment spots commonly appear on the forehead, the cheek area and above the upper lip. Most hyperpigmentation spots are caused by exposure to sunlight and for this reason, frequently develop on the back of the hand or on the forearms, areas which often less protected against light. If someone has spent a lot of time in the sun, the first brown spots may already appear at the age of 35 or 40. The skin then often looks blotchy and prematurely aged. Hormones and sun “As with genetically caused freckles, these are caused by an excess of the pigment melanin. In both cases of over-pigmentation, the dark spots are intensified by UV radiation,” explains Dr. Sonja Sattler, founder and senior physician at Bellari Rosenpark in Frankfurt and Hamburg. Hormones can also have a lot to do with the development of pigment spots. These are then known as melasma or chloasma and are common during pregnancy, menopause, or during a hormone treatment to increase fertility. It is not known exactly how hormones promote the development of spots, but it is a fact that the combination of hormones, sun and blue light as well as genetic predisposition is the trigger. Once the spots are there, they stubbornly remain, even after the hormone balance has levelled off again. Certain types of medication, such as some antibiotics or St. John’s Wort preparations, can also cause hyperpigmentation under UV influence. Prevention and treatment Dr. Sattler therefore advises: “Because UV light, in combination with our skin memory, is responsible for the unsightly spots, anyone with a tendency towards pigment spots should, in general, choose a skin care preparation with a high sun protection factor (e.g. SkinCeuticals Ultra Facial Defense 50+) for use during the day. If pigment spots are already visible and, depending on their severity, fruit acid peeling or laser combination treatments are suitable. “Bellari offers SkinCeuticals’ Pigment Balancing Peel as a professional cosmetic treatment. This is performed by trained beauticians who also provide recommendations for an appropriate follow-up care to achieve an optimal result. For more intensive effects, the most modern method is the fractionated laser. It can not only remove pigment spots, but red veins and wrinkles can be dealt with at the same time as well.… weiterlesen

Micro-Punctures Bring Great Results

With Microneedling you simply roll away the signs of age Although our skin is capable of self-renewal well into old age, the cells become somewhat sluggish over time and require some stimulus to boost their natural potential for regeneration. Microneedling helps the tissues to renew themselves from the inside. Ultra-fine needles attached to a roller or a treatment head are used to treat the skin surface precisely and gently and without causing stress. The resulting micro-injuries stimulate cell growth and strengthen resilience. In this way, acne scars and small wrinkles can be alleviated, pores reduced and the first signs of skin aging gently smoothed away. The result is a rosy, fine-pored and softer complexion. “Although there are different forms of microneedling, they all pursue the same goal: regeneration and refinement of the skin,” says Winona Kallenbach, beautician and store manager at the Bellari Institute in Hamburg. With or without anesthesia? After thorough cleansing and disinfection of the skin, an anaesthetic cream can be applied locally for more sensitive customers. As a rule, however, the treatment can be carried out without anaesthesia. Following application of the cream, the skin must be disinfected again after which the selected areas are treated with either a Dermaroller or the Skin-Needler. There is no bleeding when the needling is carried out by a beautician, since the needles do not penetrate as deeply as they would when the treatment is performed by a doctor. Vitamin C increases the effect Kallenbach: “In order to take full advantage of the needling effect, a pre-treatment with care products containing Vitamin A and C is recommended”. These support the regeneration mechanisms of the skin in the formation of new collagen. If a vitamin C serum is applied directly after needling, it can penetrate the skin surface to a deeper level and develop its effect more efficiently. Depending on skin type, skin condition and requirement, a cooling mask, e.g. with hyaluronic acid, is then applied. If the irritation is more severe, a skin-soothing mask is used. The Importance of After Care For an optimal result, six sessions at intervals of one week are recommended. Normally no downtime is necessary following needling therapy by a beautician. There is only a temporary redness and a perceptible, if not visible skin exfoliation during the first few days. Sensitive patients in particular may possibly also develop small but harmless pustules. Increased protection of the skin against light should be observed for four weeks prior to and after micro-needling.… weiterlesen

Bellari – Walk in and Feel Beautiful

Aesthetic and cosmetic treatments made to measure The Bellari concept was developed by Doctores Sonja and Gerhard Sattler of Darmstadt’s Rosenpark Klinik. These are institutes in which top class aesthetic medicine and professional cosmetics go hand in hand. In the C&C interview, Dr. Sonja Sattler explains the idea and her visions for the future: Please describe the Bellari concept. To be closer to patients, we wanted to bring to the city centers the aesthetic medicine which we have practiced successfully at the Rosenpark Klinik for many years. On the medical side, only minimal invasive treatments are carried out in the Bellaria, without operations such as those performed in the Rosenpark Klinik. The Bellaria institutes are always divided into two parts: The first is the cosmetic part, in the ground floor shop where there is a compact, high-quality range of care products. On the next level there is a medical area in the form of a private practice. How many locations are there so far? We opened the Bellari in Frankfurt, our flagship so to speak, in early 2016. In June 2016, the second one followed in Hamburg. Our goal is to expand the concept to eight locations in Germany. Later on we plan to open Bellaria in European metropoles such as London and Paris etc. How close is the connection to the Rosenpark Klinik? We bring the Rosenpark Klinik know-how to the institutes and offer a treatment concept which combines care and medicine. A doctor from the clinic is on hand at the Frankfurt institute every day, including Saturdays, and there are two permanent doctors in Hamburg, one of whom commutes between Hamburg and Frankfurt. I am in Frankfurt one or two days each week and in Hamburg twice a month. How did you come up with the name Bellari? We received professional advice in the naming process. We wanted to have a name that sounds beautiful, that fits our beauty concept, and which captures the imagination. My husband found that Bellari, like Armani, is an easy name to remember. What spectrum of treatment do you offer? In the medical field, in addition to advice on fillers, Botox and lasering, we offer non-incision body treatments such as cool sculpting. Treatments from skin diagnosis to various facials for Him and Her to eyebrow correction and a wide range of make-up are available in the cosmetic sector. Our highlight lies in the combining of different modern technologies.… weiterlesen

Professor Bader mobilizes Stem Cells

How a scientist intends to rejuvenate our skin Through and trough a scientist and a physician, that’s him. Beauty was not something that Professor Augustinus Bader used to be concerned with much – so far, that is. Being one of the leading scientists in stem-cell research, he has succeeded in finding a break-through development in the area of tissue-engineering. He has more than 200 patents under his belt. For example, Bader developed a hydro-gel that allows for the most serious burns to heal without scarring, and without the requirement of transplantations. This research led him to come up with the idea for an anti-aging care. Now, how does his technology translate onto wrinkles, pigmentation marks and impure skin? We spoke to Professor Bader about his new approach. Professor Bader, is this yet again another stem cell product? No, there is not a single stem-cell in my product. We did re-define the stem-cell technology, though. In order to understand this, we first have to do away with the existing myths. Which myths would that be? The first myth: “stem-cells need to be supplied to our body”. In fact, there is no shortage of stem cells in our body at all. They reside everywhere – they are not always active, though. A stem-cell is like a location-specific repair-cell. It has the task of repairing a defect at the given location. It is present but it needs to be activated – via an inflammation. Second: assuming that the magnitude of the injury influences the response behavior of the cell (meaning: “will I keep a scar or not“), there could be a connection to the lack of a semiochemical (the “messenger substance”). Replacing the latter will make our own stem-cell perform a perfect healing. I was able to implement this approach in the medical area for extremely serious burns. They can now heal within a few days without the need for any transplantation. And the third myth: “stem-cells in creams can have an effect.” Really? How would a stem-cell of an apple – as it is used for many products – support the human skin in any way? At most, it can create an apple. How did you arrive at this new approach? That happened while working on my clinical projects. The cells of the human body are highly specialized to carry out exactly those repairs that are required at the given time. Example: if I have a cut on my right hand, only exactly this will be repaired.… weiterlesen