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Author: Sébastien Briclot

CultureAndCream-Autor aus Berlin Sébastien Briclot ist Inhaber und Geschäftsführer von Sales by Women. Das Unternehmen hat es sich auf die Fahne geschrieben, Beraterinnen, Coaches und Dienstleisterinnen dabei zu unterstützen, sich optimal im Markt zu positionieren, sichtbar zu werden und ihre Kundengewinnung zu digitalisieren. Sébastien konnte einige Jahre Berufserfahrung im Vertrieb gewinnen und hat schnell verstanden, auf was es im Verkauf und Marketing ankommt und hat bereits selbst Unternehmen, Strukturen und Newcomer geschult. Er liebt es, Strategien und Prozesse aufzubauen und sich jeder individuellen Situation einer Klientin anzupassen.

Start-up – The Recipe for Success for Women

Women in the executive chair of a company are still a rarity. The start-up scene in particular lacks creative women. Yet good business ideas are usually available and many markets are eagerly awaiting new developments. It is not possible to make a general statement as to why only a few women are founders. Perhaps a lack of self-confidence plays a role, as Sébastien Briclot suspects. In this article, the business mentor shows how the markets currently function and what needs to be paid attention to es jetzt zu achten gilt. Taking advantage of the rules of the changing market The Corona pandemic caused considerable disadvantages and sales losses in various industries. But its destructive scale also showed how markets work. Many entrepreneurs learned an important lesson as a result: Unfortunately, there are no permanent recipes for success. An idea can be used profitably for some time or establish itself as a real bestseller. But markets play by their own rules. No matter how long a winning streak lasts, it is always finite. For the founders, this realization means that it is important to keep a close eye on their own industry at all times, to recognize every change taking place in it and to adapt to it. Start-up: Do not expand your company too early Of course, despite all the flexibility, it makes sense to have at least one good idea at the beginning with which to build the start-up. In fact, most female founders have such a concept. They know exactly what their offer should look like and in which market they want to operate. But in the course of the euphoria, a fatal mistake is often made: The company pursues the first idea only half-heartedly, but instead already turns to future expansion plans. Further services and products are developed, tying up resources, time and effort. In contrast, it would make more sense to at least wait for the first idea to establish itself on the market Marketing must also be developed at a top level However, another mistake can be seen in some female entrepreneurs: They focus too much on product development. This is an area that consumes the manpower and creativity of employees, as well as time and money. Resources that smaller businesses in particular have only to a limited extent in their early days. In contrast, marketing is somewhat lost sight of. But what good is the best product idea if the customer can’t find it?… weiterlesen

2022 Become a Female Company Founder: An Expert Reveals What to Look out For

Switzerland is already setting a good example: According to a study, there are now twice as many women starting businesses in Switzerland as there were 20 years ago. In Germany, too, women are increasingly motivated to become self-employed and thus live out their independence and freedom. However, starting a business is not a walk in the park, as Sébastien Briclot knows. “Already when working out a business plan many beginning foundresses lose the overview”, knows Briclot, experte for entrepreneur inside. “Difficult is thereby above all to calculate the costs correctly.” What else to look out for in 2022 if you want to become a company founder, explains Sébastien Briclot in this guest article. Do not reinvent the wheel When starting a business, personal skills should be drawn upon. There is a great demand, for example, for all services in the field of coaching, training or consulting. For this reason, Sébastien Briclot recommends that self-employment be pursued in this direction. On the other hand, it is not advisable to plan the introduction of new products in the first weeks and months – the market does not have to be reinvented, says the expert. Acquire the skill of selling Many female company founders have already gained their first professional experience in sales management or may have worked for large corporations. However, marketing oneself and one’s own product is a new challenge. After all, in addition to pure order and sales figures, it is important to gain the customer’s trust and ultimately convince him or her to work with the company. Focus on direct marketing According to Briclot, the trend for successful companies lies in meaningful social media content and brand marketing. But especially when starting out, female founders often have too little time and money to consciously focus on these points. That’s why it makes more sense at the beginning to strengthen direct marketing and to contact the target group personally via social networks. Time is more important than money when starting a business In addition, it is important to change one’s own mindset. “All activities that do not immediately increase sales should be delegated to employees,” explains Sébastien Briclot. This may include accounting or administration, for example. The goal is to use the money available in such a way that as much knowledge and competence as possible is acquired with it, by relying on experts who pass on their knowledge to the founder.… weiterlesen