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Author: Margit Rüdiger

CultureAndCream Author from Munich To travel during my profession as a beauty journalist was never enough for my. Also my six month on a world trip didn't do it. It always attracts me to other cities, foreign countries, on roadtrips and places I don't know yet. But I am not only interested in "culture" and "cream", I am also fascinated by people who have stories to tell .  Such unique experiences I want to share with you.

The All-Rounder Hyaluronic Acid

Does more than just smooth wrinkles Dermatologist Dr. Birgit Buxmeyer has been a member of the Rosenpark Klinik team since 1999. In addition to specializing in surgical procedures such as liposuction and eyelid lifting, she has gained an additional qualification in Anti-Aging. At Bellari she is responsible for treatments with botulinum, hyaluronic acid, laser and ultherapy. In this C&C interview, Dr. Buxmeyer explains why hyaluronic acid is today’s material of choice in the treatment of wrinkles as well as facial skin and contour optimization: What can one do with hyaluronic acid? These days, quite a lot! The material has become extremely versatile and the range of products is extensive. Finer lines can be smoothed, and medium-depth wrinkles lifted, or the volume augmented for better moisture penetration of the skin and contour improvement. Hyaluronic acid is degradable in the tissues and, since it is now exclusively synthetically-produced, is very well tolerated. In the past, it was commonly extracted from cockscomb. What are the uses of hyaluronic acid? Thin hyaluronic acid, i.e. hyaluronic acid with little or no cross-linking, is suitable for skin surfaces in order to improve moisture penetration. It practically melts in the tissues and is a moisture booster. The thick variant provides volume, for example to hollow areas of the face. The effect is almost as good as when own fat is used. If the patient is very slim with no body fat at all, hyaluronic acid is the best alternative. Nowadays, it can even be used to treat the thin skin of the lower eyelid (Volbella by Allergan), which was not possible before. Which corrections do women ask for most frequently? The patients are not yet as advanced as the practitioners. Many still want to have the nasolabial folds injected. This is an antiquated method, dating back to over 15 years ago. Today the areas adjacent and corresponding to the nasolabial fold are treated. If one repeatedly injects the crease itself, over time, a sort of monkey’s nose is the result. This is because, due to age, the surrounding areas become more sunken. This must first be explained to the patients. Young women often have their tear ducts treated because they look tired. In somewhat older patients it is the cheek and temple region. This is due to the fact that not only the fatty tissue shrinks and shifts with age – the bone structure recedes as well. Often something is missing at the jaw angle, which causes the so-called marionette or Merkel wrinkles.… weiterlesen

Jersey – Chock full of Surprises

The green Channel Island with a wealth of history What can I see flying into Jersey? Today – absulutely nothing! Thick grey fog shrouds the cabin windows. Late autumn is probably not the best of times to travel to the Channel Islands and it is obvious now why the Air Dolomiti plane has no more than 30 passengers besides me. Shortly before landing, the green landscape appears outside the windows. Lots of green. And wind. And a rough landing! Bad weather and a giant Dino The lady at passport control promises better weather tomorrow. Google predicts storms. A life-sized plastic Chasmosaurus in a high-voltage (25,000VDC) cage bares its yellow teeth non-stop in the airport terminal. Piles of golf luggage. Unperturbed golfers in short-sleeved shirts at temperatures of 14° C look around nonchalantly as if this is just the weather they’d hoped for. Long queues at the taxi stand. An unpleasant rain lashes into the waiting shelter. Then finally it’s my turn and a black London taxi drops me at my destination in about 10 minutes. My „feel good“ hotel The warm welcome at the Atlantic Hotel makes up for everything. Cosy, as the English would say. Homey and stylish at the same time. An enchanting small luxury hotel with 50 opulent rooms, garden studios and two suites. Indoor and outdoor pools, sauna, mini-gym and a golf course which begins directly behind the house. The Atlantic has been in the family for 48 years, host Patrick Burke tells me as I enjoy a delicious dinner of freshly caught fish in his restaurant “Ocean”. Star class. New Chef Will Holland was named “UK Restaurant Chef of the Year“ in 2016. At 10 p.m. Jersey time I fall into bed – lulled to sleep by the steady thundering of the Atlantic waves. Outside of my window, the palm trees are still being whipped about by the wind. The first glimpse of the ocean The next morning I awaken to bright sunshine and 14 degrees. From my balcony I take in the breathtaking view of St. Ouen Bay, a nature reserve of extraordinary natural beauty. In the middle of the sea stands the 18th century fortress La Rocco Tower, which I‘ll explore more closely later on. Miles of white sandy beaches, “Les Blanches Banques”. The wind has subsided and will stay that way for the next few days. My Jersey adventure can begin. This visit I‘ve decided not to rent a car, preferring to explore as much as possible on foot and by public transport.… weiterlesen

The Art of Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Dr. Leonard Nenad Josipovic on enlargements, reductions and his passion In addition to the female breast’s biological task of nursing infants it is, from an aesthetic point of view, seen as the pure symbol of femininity as well. With this background it is easy for me to understand why women undergo breast surgery to meet their own personal aesthetic standards, especially in cases where there is breast malformation. Symmetry disorders due to different shapes and sizes of the breasts can be pronounced enough to cause a high level of suffering, not only of a psychological nature, but often with physical consequences as well. Breasts which have different sizes or those that are, in general, too large can result in considerable impairment in spinal column mobility. Over the course of the years, signs of wear and tear become more pronounced. Silicone implants of the 4th generation In addition to new minimally invasive methods for breast lifting and reduction such as liposuction or the transfer of autologous (own) fat for breast shaping, the use of silicone implants remains the gold standard for breast enlargement. The implants of the so-called 4th generation consist of a silicone gel that cannot leak. They are also equipped with a memory function which means that no matter how strongly they may be twisted, they always return to their original position. Some women still fear that implants could burst if they are subjected to too much pressure, such as a fall directly on the chest. However, tests have been carried out in which the weight of a truck was rolled over the implants without them bursting. The trend towards naturalness The era in which obviously operated breasts à la Pamela Anderson were in demand is fortunately over. Today’s patient usually wants a completely normal and natural-looking result. While in the past much larger implants were used, the trend is now towards a more normal size. Whereas the volume used to be around 800ml, the choice now usually falls on 250 ml to 300 ml per side. In general, women in Germany want the breasts to look natural. It shouldn’t be obvious at first glance that they have undergone surgery. Breast corrections after pregnancy Most women come to us at the Rosenpark Klinik for a make-over after childbirth when breast volume has been lost due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. In such cases, a normal implant enlargement is often not enough, and the desired result can only be achieved by additional tightening of the breast.… weiterlesen

The Art of Slowing Down in South Tyrol

The Hotel Seehof and its wintry “Moments of Calm” South Tyrol (Italian: Alto Adige) stands for Mediterranean joie de vivre, good wine, spectacular scenery and romantic mountain flair. Let’s just forget for a moment that there is really no love lost between the Italians of the North and South. Rather than Italian, the preferred language In South Tyrol is German, combined with the charming Tyrolean dialect of the region. To be more precise, there are over 40 different dialect variations here. German is the mother tongue of over 62 percent of the population, Italian of about 23 percent and four percent, mainly in the Dolomite region, speak Ladin. The perfect timeout location Since May 2017, the Alto Adige has a new jewel in its crown – the 4-star Hotel Seehof Nature Retreat in Natz near Brixen. Spouses Tamaris and Andreas Auer, who grew up in the hotelier business, have given it the motto “Moments of Calm”. The hotel, which they inherited from Andreas’ parents, has undergone a complete renovation and blossomed into a true gem. Alpine down-to-earthness and the lightness of the Mediterranean go hand in hand here. The modern building blends perfectly into the landscape and as soon as you enter the Nature Retreat it’s like being transported to another dimension where the stress and hectic pace of everyday life just falls away. The experience is particularly magical during Advent, Christmas and New Year, when snowflake after snowflake drifts from the sky outside. It’s a time to pause. A time to just enjoy. The design: compactness and clarity Stefan Rier and Lukas Rungger, students of star architect Matteo Thun, one of the region’s most renowned sons, designed the house with their Bolzano architecture firm “Noa” . Its bright, airy rooms, some with open-plan bathrooms, reflect Thun’s clear, minimalist style. Muted earth and stone colours, accentuated with a hint of lavender and copper tones, can be found throughout the buildings. The latter are in remembrance of the owners’ grandfather who, in 1958, pioneered the laying of water pipes to supply the high plateau with running water for the first time. The constant presence of nature The Yang of architecture nestles into the Yin of the landscape. Directly in front of the spacious terrace with its cosy lounge sofas, the hotel’s natural lake spreads out like a private lake stage. In winter, the sight of the mists drifting over the lake is spectacular.… weiterlesen

Threads plus Ultrasound = Tighter Skin

The new equation of aesthetic medicine It works! The combination of two modern procedures, Silhouette threads  and Ultherapy ultrasound tightens and repositions the tissue. Dr. Negin Pakravesh is an expert in aesthetic dermatology and skin surgery. Since her primary focus is on anti-aging treatments, she is just the right person to answer all of our questions about this innovative treatment. What is the benefit of the combination of Ultherapy treatment and thread insertion, the latest anti-aging method offered by Bellari? We work at different levels so that the procedures are synergistic and complement each other optimally. The more skin layers that are stimulated, the better the result and the greater the lifting effect. Ultherapy works through micro-focused ultrasound energy at a depth of up to 4.5 millimeters and triggers a stimulation of the body’s own collagen formation. Thread lifting, by means of Silhouette threads, offers us a repositioning of the tissue and the Poly-L-Lactic Acid in the thread composition provides additional stimulation of the collagen. Ultherapy boosts the body’s own tissue production allowing the thread to consolidate better in the tissue thereby achieving an optimal reduction effect. How should one imagine the course of treatment? Ultherapy first or threads first? First of all, the patient’s wishes are discussed in an in-depth consultation and a treatment plan determined accordingly. Before the actual treatment begins, a local anesthetic is used to numb the skin. Patients who are more sensitive to pain are also given an analgesic (ibuprofen 600) at the Bellari. The combined treatment always starts with Ultherapy which lasts between 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the size of the area to be treated. The second step is thread lifting, before which the entry and exit points of the thread are marked and anaesthetized. After completion of this minimally invasive procedure, the patient applies cooling packs for about an hour to reduce any swelling. The packs can be used repeatedly over the course of the next few days if necessary. How painful are the two procedures? Experience has shown that sensitivity to pain is subjective and every patient is different. Both procedures may be undergone without the use of intravenous anesthesia and can be well tolerated with a local anesthetic using a cream and injection. As mentioned, a supplementary pain-killing tablet can also help. For which patients is this combination suitable? For all those who want a reduction and tightening of the tissues.… weiterlesen

Bellari – Walk in and Feel Beautiful

Aesthetic and cosmetic treatments made to measure The Bellari concept was developed by Doctores Sonja and Gerhard Sattler of Darmstadt’s Rosenpark Klinik. These are institutes in which top class aesthetic medicine and professional cosmetics go hand in hand. In the C&C interview, Dr. Sonja Sattler explains the idea and her visions for the future: Please describe the Bellari concept. To be closer to patients, we wanted to bring to the city centers the aesthetic medicine which we have practiced successfully at the Rosenpark Klinik for many years. On the medical side, only minimal invasive treatments are carried out in the Bellaria, without operations such as those performed in the Rosenpark Klinik. The Bellaria institutes are always divided into two parts: The first is the cosmetic part, in the ground floor shop where there is a compact, high-quality range of care products. On the next level there is a medical area in the form of a private practice. How many locations are there so far? We opened the Bellari in Frankfurt, our flagship so to speak, in early 2016. In June 2016, the second one followed in Hamburg. Our goal is to expand the concept to eight locations in Germany. Later on we plan to open Bellaria in European metropoles such as London and Paris etc. How close is the connection to the Rosenpark Klinik? We bring the Rosenpark Klinik know-how to the institutes and offer a treatment concept which combines care and medicine. A doctor from the clinic is on hand at the Frankfurt institute every day, including Saturdays, and there are two permanent doctors in Hamburg, one of whom commutes between Hamburg and Frankfurt. I am in Frankfurt one or two days each week and in Hamburg twice a month. How did you come up with the name Bellari? We received professional advice in the naming process. We wanted to have a name that sounds beautiful, that fits our beauty concept, and which captures the imagination. My husband found that Bellari, like Armani, is an easy name to remember. What spectrum of treatment do you offer? In the medical field, in addition to advice on fillers, Botox and lasering, we offer non-incision body treatments such as cool sculpting. Treatments from skin diagnosis to various facials for Him and Her to eyebrow correction and a wide range of make-up are available in the cosmetic sector. Our highlight lies in the combining of different modern technologies.… weiterlesen

Rosenpark Klinik – In the Center of Beauty

From Facial Rejuvenation to Body Shaping 20 years ago, doctors Gerhard and Sonja Sattler laid the foundation of the Rosenpark Klinik in a rose-covered half-timbered house in Darmstadt. Today, boasting up to 12 specialists, it has become a competence centre for aesthetic-operative dermatology and plastic surgery. In the C&C interview Dr. Gerhard Sattler: What is your recipe for success? If you consider the changes in aesthetic medicine over the past 20 years, there’s not one stone left standing. The scientific and philosophical bases have constantly and fundamentally changed. By this we mean the treatment of the aesthetic patient, the development of various methods and the importance of aesthetics in today’s Zeitgeist. To continuously and successfully develop a clinic over the course of more than two decades, one must actively participate in these changes as well as helping to shape them. For my wife and I this means that, in order to provide patients with the best treatment options, ongoing training, writing textbooks, organising scientific Congresses and running a scientific Research Centre must necessarily be part of the clinic’s day-to-day activities. New methods show a clear trend towards non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures. Through the constant improvement of treatment techniques, these are equivalent or even superior to the major surgical operations of the past. It must be borne in mind that today’s patients are generally very well-informed and come to their doctor with specific questions. And the aesthetic physician must never forget one thing: He advises and coaches his patients so that, in contrast to medicine in the treatment of illnesses. the patient can come to an informed decision about choices and types of treatment. What distinguishes you from other Beauty Clinics? First of all, it should be emphasized that at the Rosenpark Klinik , work with patients is, from the very outset, exclusively focused on aesthetic issues. This specialisation is essential to guarantee high quality treatment as well as the patent’s safety. Since the individual key areas of aesthetic medicine and surgery have become considerably less differentiated, it was necessary to form a group of specialized aesthetic physicians. On the one hand, this ensures discipline-specific specialisation and, on the other, a close interdisciplinary exchange. The business form of the Rosenpark Klinik is just as important to us. To this day, the clinic is in the sole hands of the founding physicians. This distinguishes it from other clinics that, due to the active involvement of investors, are more focused on commercial considerations.… weiterlesen

Carlo Rampazzi Thinks and Feels in Colour

A visit to the design king of Ascona Bird of paradise, genius, cosmopolitan, free spirit and optimist. All of these perfectly describe Carlo Rampazzi. I meet the Ticino architect and designer in his palazzo in a sleepy side street close to Ascona’s lake promenade. The building with the giant black ant on the front and a coral as light source in the entrance niche houses the apartment, studio and the colourful topsy-turvy shop “Selvaggio” which, quite fittingly, translates as “wild”. In addition, there is an enchanting two-level inner garden, which my host proudly shows me later. Carlo’s charm is irresistible Carlo Rampazzi sits in his office behind a desk on which there is an array of colourful items but no computer or other things technical. His dress style, always unconventional, blends perfectly into the picture: a flowing beige-red striped trouser-tunic combination from a Jean-Paul Gaultier collection of 30 years ago. He considers each question carefully and, after making several starts, answers astutely and with great wit. He laughs a lot, even about himself. Rampazzi is a man who fascinates one from the start. A person you take an immediate liking to. It’s no wonder that he can ultimately make the most conservative and sceptical hotel managers enthusiastic about his wildly opulent “maximalism”. When he was suffering from back pain, he even managed to have a doctor from Zurich make a rare house-call to treat him. Mischievously he says: “If the toilet is broken, I’m not going to take it to the plumber – he’ll come to me.” The pleasure he takes from this little achievement is child-like and without a hint of arrogance. The “wild” way it all started Carlo Rampazzi decorates hotels, private houses and locations such as the City Bistrot di Bellinzona or, more recently, the Pop-up Suite high above the medieval city of Castelgrande . He designs furniture, which he exhibits in his showrooms in Ascona and Paris. And all this for the past 45 years – that’s how long his company has been in existence. Rampazzi: “I was forbidden to use our family name as a trademark so that’s why I called it Selvaggio.” And this is how it came about: The 24-year-old Carlo had no interest in entering the family’s construction business, nor did he want to become a banker or insurance broker, careers his father imagined for him. He wanted to do something on his own, something creative.… weiterlesen

Discover New York with Narciso Rodriguez

The fashion designer shows his favorite spots The US fashion creator with Cuban roots stands for architectural, elegant and unfussy design. Born in New Jersey  Narciso Rodriguez studied against the will of his parents at the Parsons’ School of Design. In his beginnings he worked for Anne Klein at Donna Karan and also in the womenswear department of Calvin Klein. During his time at Cerruti in Paris he designed 1996 the amazing dress for Carolyn Bessette’s  wedding with John Kennedy Junior. This brought him international attention. Rodriguez conquered the fragrance market in 2003 when he launched his first perfume “For Her” together with the Japanese Beauty Group Shiseido. Like his fashion, his perfumes can also be described as classic, modern and elegant.  In everything he tackles Rodriguez is an exceptional talent with exquisite taste. Enjoy the journey with him throught his New York. ANGEL’S SHARE, 8 Stuyvesant St, Manhattan One of my favorite places to meet for drinks; it’s very intimate and private. And it’s one of those very well hidden gems of New York that has stayed that way for years despite word-of-mouth. ATELIER, 304 Hudson Street A really well-edited clothing store for men where I can find exactly what I need when I need it. CLIC BOOKSTORE and Gallery, 255 Centre St und DASHWOOD BOOKS, 33 Bond St Two amazing bookstores that have very rare collections of art and photography books, many of which are out of print. Dashwood Books is New York’s only independent bookstore that is devoted to photography. Wonderful places to spend an afternoon or get lost for an entire Saturday. DAVID ZWIRNER, 525 W 19th St Gallery owner David Zwirner has an amazing eye and is able to ferret out genuine artists with integrity who are always singular. I am always inspired by something when I visit—and I definitely stop by frequently. DINOSAUR HILL, 306 E 9th St A great toy store with many special, hard to find toys that the kids in my life never fail to appreciate. I’d call it the ‘anti-Disney’ toy store. They’ve got wonderful, one-of-a-kind special clothing for kids, too. MINETTA TAVERN, 113 Macdougal St This restaurant is just very easy and classic and it still has the best burger in the city. THE MOMA, 11 W 53rd St As museums go, this is one of the best—and one of my favorites. There’s always at least one intriguing exhibit along with a staggering permanent collection that I can never get enough of.… weiterlesen

On Reunion with a Perfumist

Home of vetiver and vanilla To be honest, Reunion (French: La Réunion), France’s overseas island located in the Indian Ocean, would not have been on my list of travel destinations. If it wasn’t for Marie Le Febvre. Over the years, the French perfumer, who lives in Berlin with her husband and child, has formed a special bond with the island. Her brother Yann and his Creole wife (Creole being native-born inhabitants) live on the paradise island between Madagascar and Mauritius with their three children. And whenever she can, Marie spends time in her turquoise-colored wooden house on Yann’s property in Saint-Gilles. She has also reinvigorated something on the island that had long been forgotten: the cultivation of vetiver. “Veti… what?” is a question she is asked a lot. People generally haven’t heard of the tropical bunchgrass, which grows between 0.5 and 1.5m tall. Fragrance experts, however, are more than familiar with it: Its essential oil is a popular ingredient in perfumes, because it gives fragrances a deep, citrusy, woody note. From rainforest to sand beaches Vetiver originated in Asia (Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South India), but is cultivated in many tropical areas—especially because of its practicality: the tall-growing, hard grass stabilizes the ground against erosions. The roots keep the soil moist and act as detoxifiers, which improves soil quality. The long leaf blades are used in roof thatching like we use reed. Additionally, it is used to make sturdy ropes and as a home remedy for fever and headaches. The fragrant essential oil of highest quality used by perfumers can only be extracted under optimal conditions. When the soil is as fruitful as it is on Reunion. The island offers everything imaginable when it comes to vegetation and climate: from the volcanic inland covered in rainforest to the kilometer-long black sand beaches in L’Etang-Salé-les-Bains on the west coast, or the white sand of Saint Pierre in the southwest. On the island, you can find various microclimates. While the east coast sees a lot of rain, the west coast sometimes has a steppe climate. On the coast, temperatures can reach 30 degrees Celsius during summer (December to March); in higher regions they can sink down to 15 degrees. Fun fact: Since August 2, 2010, the island has been a UNESCO world heritage site. Our arrival Arriving at the airport of Saint-Denis, the capital in the north with 143,000 residents we experience a modern city with theaters, museums, markets and the old flair of Creole houses.… weiterlesen