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Author: Margit Rüdiger

CultureAndCream Author from Munich To travel during my profession as a beauty journalist was never enough for my. Also my six month on a world trip didn't do it. It always attracts me to other cities, foreign countries, on roadtrips and places I don't know yet. But I am not only interested in "culture" and "cream", I am also fascinated by people who have stories to tell .  Such unique experiences I want to share with you.

Muscle Building without Exercise. Is that possible?

Yes, a new device from the USA can develop the muscles without any sweat-inducing training. A flat stomach and a firm bottom are at the top of most people’s wish list for the body, be it women or men. But these require years of exercise, a lot of stamina and countless sit ups and squats. Emusculpt, a new device from the USA based on electromagnetic waves, now makes this goal much easier to achieve. The effect of a 30-minute session is comparable to that of 20,000 sit-ups or the same amount of squats. This comparison is, however, misleading since such training would be physically impossible in a fitness studio. Whereas sit-ups use about 40 percent of the muscles, Emsculpt works on 100 percent. “In general, the device is recommended for those body-savvy people who want an extra push in addition to normal training,” says Dr. Sonja Sattler, Medical Director of the Bellari Institute. How does Emsculpt work? Unlike conventional EMS devices (electromyostimulation), it does not work with electrical impulses, but with Emusculpt. These penetrate deeper into the tissue and thus ensure a much more effective result. The generation of an electromagnetic field stimulates the muscle groups to thousands of contractions. The muscles are shaken up, so to speak. In this way, the muscle mass in the desired body zones can be increased significantly and very quickly. An additional plus in the abdominal area: a decrease in fatty deposits. This is because the turbo activity of the muscles overstimulates the fat metabolism and permanently breaks down local fat cells. Dr. Sattler: “For me, however, the clear focus here is on muscle mass and not on the pleasant side effect of fat reduction”. What happens during the treatment? One relaxes comfortably on the couch and the flat, impulse-emitting handpiece is strapped to the area to be treated. As soon as the intensity is fixed, ideally at 100, the device starts to work. At first one feels a strong contraction which, within the next 30 minutes, develops into a firm hold and causes the target region to freeze for a few seconds at a time. It is intermittently interrupted by the so-called “relaxing tapping”. The individually adjustable intensity ensures that the treatment is as pleasant as possible, even for pain-sensitive patients. Is it painful? Depending on the intensity, it may feel slightly unpleasant, but never painful. After completion of the treatment, one is immediately fit again and can go about everyday life without any restrictions.… weiterlesen

Wendy Iles: I just Love Hair!

She is the hairdresser to celebrities like Heidi Klum, Keira Knightley und Cate Blanchett. With C&C she is sharing her secrets of success, her tips, tricks and how-to-do guides. C&C: You received the Hollywood Beauty Oscar for hair in 2016. Wendy Iles: That is nice that you remember that. I always forget about all the time. But it was one of the magic memorable moments other than my marriage to my husband. You obviously must do something special compared to other stylists? It is in my DNA as a hairdresser to care for hair. I love luscious sumptuous hair. If I have someone in my chair, I am always thinking of care first. So I do believe that this was a breath of fresh air when it came to A-listers in my chair and I do believe that it opened up Hollywood for me very quickly. Because all of a sudden there was this hairdresser that was not using hairspray, that was not using mousses. The hair was not sticky. It was not weight down. They would go from a 12 hour shoot to a cocktail to a party, and still at midnight the hair is feeling luscious, clean and beautiful. I honestly think really that is the reason that I care about the hair and I love hair that is touchable and luscious. Which is the absolute must have from your own hair care „Iles Formula“? On a job like mine I don’t have always access to running water. So you get the A-lister in your chair and you have to make whatever you got to happen with what is in your chair. A lot of the time it is tortured hair. I have a serum that has the capability of turning straw to sumptuous silk just by blow drying it in. How do you use this serum? The hair must be at least moistened. In fact my two tools are the Dyson and that „Finishing Serum“. The Dyson because it is really quick, it is ionic, I am not gonna get static, and the serum needs the heat of the hair dryer. You just blow dry it in, never on the roots – always mid length and ends and you dry small piece size on every single section. As you go the serum has the power of turning straw to sumptuous silk. It has the power of making thin, broken fine hair appear and feel thicker.… weiterlesen

Fine Tuning for the Body

Fewer dents, firmer skin and a slimmer silhouette Minimally invasive body-shaping is the magic formula by which all of this can be achieved. No surgery, no pain, no downtime. Sounds too good to be true, but state-of-the-art technologies such as micro-focused ultrasound or radiofrequency can make it possible. The two methods differ in their depth effect. “In contrast to radiofrequency, micro-focused ultrasound penetrates into deeper tissue layers and provides an immediate as well as a long-term tightening effect without damaging the skin surface. The controlled and specifically applied heat of up to 70 degrees causes fat cells to melt,” says Dr. Carmen Cecilia Duma, Rosenpark Klinik. A proper patient selection by the doctor and a reliable diagnosis are therefore particularly important here. One thing one must be aware of: neither of these therapies can be compared with the possibilities offered by liposuction or classical body lifting. Only smaller problem zones can be treated, but these with surprising and satisfactory results. Micro-focused ultrasound The ultra-modern ultrasound technology tightens sagging skin areas. At the same time, it improves the structure of the skin and connective tissue and contours the shape. The most rewarding areas of treatment are the décolleté, upper arms, armpits, waist, stomach, thighs and knees. Dr. Duma: “Invisible micro-injuries in the deep tissue layer stimulate the new formation of both collagen and elastin. The skin gradually becomes tighter and firmer thereby creating a natural lifting effect “. The highly focused ultrasound waves are transmitted through the skin directly into the deeper connective tissue via a movable sound and treatment head. There they stimulate the body’s own regeneration process and stimulate the formation of new collagen. Fat cells are melted away then flushed out of the body naturally over the course of the next few weeks. The effect of this is that the treated region is shaped and smaller problem zones optimized. The device has different handpieces which allow the specific treatment of various target areas. Pain free and suitable for everyday use Although no anesthesia is necessary, an anesthetic cream is applied an hour before the treatment to make it as pleasant as possible for the patient. The daily routine can be resumed Immediately after the therapy and no special aftercare is necessary. The full effect develops over a period of three weeks to six months showing a significantly firmer, fresher skin and slimmer contours. As a rule, one treatment is enough.… weiterlesen

The Hair Whisperer from Paris

Celebrity Coiffeur Christophe Robin suprises with his tips C&C: Your „Volumizing Paste“ is a true volume wonder. What is the secret? Christophe Robin: It took me forever to find a way to give volume to the hair. I didn’t want to use too much coating ingredients, because they not only coat the hair but also the scalp. Means you add volume but the scalp can’t breathe. So it becomes greasy and the effect is like a soufflé. Also I wanted to fight greasy scalp because it is an issue. I use rose extracts that works like a natural hyaluronic acid. As well we have Rasul clay from Maroc to help the scalp not to get greasy and plus it puts back all of the minerals inside the hair. All together gives the volume. You recommend to use a hair oil before shampooing? Conditioner and masks are not my most preferred haircare products. They make the hair heavy and flat. For a mask there is mostly no time. For healthy scalp and hair everybody should make a pre-shampoo treatment with a hair oil, no matter what shampoo you use after. I do it since 25 years in my Paris’ salon. Actually the „Lavender Oil“ was my first product I developed. You put a little bit of oil on your palms, rub it, put it on your hair and brush it before washing with shampoo. If you want you can apply the oil the evening before and leave it overnight. What is the biggest mistake women can do to damage their hair? Using too much shampoo and not rinsing it well enough. In most of the shampoos there are coating ingredients like silicone. The scalp can’t breathe and you have to wash it again. The more you wash it the more you make your hair sensitive. If the hair is not rinsed well, there is always product left and the hair gets no shine. Many women also put too much conditioner directly on the scalp. Makes also that the scalp can’t breathe. Another bad thing are tools, they are terrible for the hair. But to use a lot of styling products is a trend nowadays. On YouTube you find some tutorials where people are encouraged to use five products on their hair, what is too much. All the ingredients grab on the hair and coat it. It makes it dry and dirty and it needs a wash again.… weiterlesen

Well Rolled! Pinprick by Pinprick to a more Beautiful Skin

Micro-fine needle pricks improve the appearance of the skin. Especially effective in combination with Radio Frequency. “My insider tip for a radiant, healthy skin is the combination of Hyaluron skin booster and Dermaroller,” says Dr. Sonja Sattler, Head of Bellari Frankfurt. “With skin boost, the particularly low-viscosity hyaluronic acid is injected over a large area into the uppermost layer of the skin. This creates a glow effect and a special radiance to the face. Wrinkles are eliminated and, due to the water-binding property of Hyaluronic Acid, the skin stays moisturised and padded from the inside for a longer period of time. The Dermaroller ensures new collagen formation through the desired micro-injuries on the skin surface.” As a result, the entire skin appears finer, smaller-pored and rejuvenated. And, last but not least, scars of all kinds can be corrected as well. What is a Dermaroller? A Dermaroller or Dermapen is a handy roller with microfine needles which it’s why it’s also known as Microneedling. The needle length varies from 0.5 to 1.5 millimetres, depending on the requirements and body region. The microfine punctures simulate injuries to the skin without really damaging the tissue and the cells around the puncture canal are stimulated to produce more collagen. What is the exact treatment? First of all, the area to be treated is thoroughly cleansed and an anaesthetic cream applied. This requires 20 – 30 minutes to take effect after which the practitioner rolls the Dermaroller over the face for about 20 minutes. If necessary, individual areas can be treated several times and more intensively. A disposable sterile device is used for each patient. Dermarollers with shorter needles are also available for use at home. However, one should first be shown how to use them by a professional before attempting the procedure oneself. In cases of acne, it is best to leave it alone. Is one presentable after the treatment? Absolutely. The skin is slightly reddened at first, but this can be easily concealed with make-up. The redness disappears completely after 3-4 days and what remains is an improved skin structure. The treatment can be repeated at any time. What is the difference between this and Needling plus Radio Frequency? The combination of multipolar Radio Frequency technology (RF) and Microneedling leads to a fractional treatment of the skin. This makes it possible to tackle several skin problems simultaneously. The procedure is particularly suitable as an anti-aging measure since it counteracts the signs of skin aging: Wrinkles and loss of elasticity or sagging skin around the chin.… weiterlesen

Being Made Up by a Professional…

A session with Pixi make-up artist Amanda Bell in London For many years one of THE beauty addresses in the English capital has been The Pixi Flagship Store, 22A Foubert’s Place, in the bustling Soho district. With lively Carnaby street and Liberty, the most beautiful department store for me, just around the corner, Pixi’s London Flagship Store is a true Beauty Oasis. The correct name, by the way, should be Pixi by Petra. Accomplished make-up artist Petra Brand set herself the goal of creating skin products with highly effective and soothing herbal ingredients and the result was the Pixi brand. The soul of the company, however, is Amanda Bell, global make-up artist and Pixi ambassador. A fascinating personality with a sparkling, rather un-English temperament, she can boast more than 20 years of professional experience in the beauty sector. As an author, award-winning product designer and make-up artist she is never short of ideas as to how to bring out the beauty in every woman. Amanda has worked with the world’s most famous models and photographers. Friendly and down-to-earth, she chats to me about her fascination with cats while, with practiced hands, she erases the fatigue from my face and applies exactly the right shade of red to my lips. Our interview is conducted afterwards on the roof terrace of a Vegan café around the corner: Amanda, what are your five most important professional tricks? Less is more. Use as natural a foundation as possible, one you feel good with. Use concealers in areas that need a little more coverage. This gives the complexion a flawless look. The base must look like a second skin. If you feel that your make-up is fading too quickly, use a fixing spray instead of a lot of powder. Personally, I like transparent powder, which I apply with a brush over the base. This doesn’t cover more or add additional colour, it just perfects the look. A final tip: Always apply make-up in a similar lighting situation to the one you will be in later on. It’s not advisable to apply your make-up in the morning under artificial light in the bathroom since the result will never look good in daylight. I’m looking for a new foundation so where is it best to test the colour? The skin tone of your hand is never the same as that of your face, so the texture can be tested on the back of your hand, but never the colour.… weiterlesen

Spare tyre? Just freeze it away!

Painless body forming without surgery Small to medium-sized fat deposits can now be literally killed off. The term Cryolipolysis, which stems from the ancient Greek words “cryos” (ice, frost), “lipa” (fat) and “lysis” (dissolution), is a modern, non-invasive method of body shaping. Cryotherapy is based on a highly developed, patented cooling technology. Allergan‘s CoolSculpting procedure, with which the Rosenpark Klinik has been working since its market launch in Europe, requires neither surgery, anesthesia nor painkillers. Dr. Sonja Sattler: “The aesthetic medicine industry constantly offers new methods of treatment. Especially in the minimally invasive area there are numerous possibilities to treat patients’ problem zones, entirely without the use of a scalpel and with no subsequent downtime. Melt away fat during your lunch break! The Cryolipolysis procedure enables us doctors to fight unwanted fat deposits in a more gentle fashion.” Putting the freeze on fat cells Once the patient is made comfortable on the treatment couch, the targeted areas are cooled down to 4° degrees Celsius using special applicators. In this way, the blood supply to the fat cells, which are very sensitive to cold, is interrupted, causing them to die off. There is no damage to organs, skin or the surrounding tissue. How are the frozen fat cells eliminated from the body? The organism’s metabolic system subsequently takes over, gradually removing them naturally. The treatment is completely painless. What one feels is the suction of the treated area by the device head. There may also be a sensation of numbness there for a short time afterwards. Gentle modelling Cryolipolysis is particularly suitable for modeling the hip region, its aim being the removal of small to medium-sized fat pockets. It is very helpful where sport and even the best of diets have failed. Especially effective in removing fat from the hips as well as “love handles” or abdominal fat in women, it is also useful in treating the insides of the thighs, the knees and the upper arms. Not for those who are overweight “Basically, this is not a method of reducing weight,” says Dr. Sonja Sattler from the Rosenpark Klinik in Darmstadt. “It is more suited to slimmer women and men who suffer from individual problem zones and wish to reduce these fat deposits in specific areas”. An otherwise slim silhouette will look even more harmonious after body shaping with Cryolipolysis. No restrictions, no downtime The treatment is outpatient and takes about two hours, depending on the individual diagnosis.… weiterlesen

View the Outcome of Breast Augmentation Prior to the Operation

A modern 3D simulation makes this possible Every woman who plans to have her breasts enlarged is curious to know what they will look like after the operation. Uncertainties often arise when choosing the implant size. Exactly what is the difference between 300 ml and 400 ml? Which implant shape suits me and will the result really look natural? With the Crisalix 3D simulation, these questions can now be answered visually even before the procedure takes place. Dr. Leonard Nenad Josipovic, breast augmentation and breast reduction/ breast lift expert at the Rosenpark Klinik in Darmstadt demonstrates how this works: “The 3D simulation consists of a 3D camera mounted on a tablet which is equipped with a corresponding App. I scan the patient with the camera and the App creates a 3D image. It takes only a few seconds; the simulation makes it possible to select different implant sizes and shapes and to see the individual result”. The outcome of the surgery can be seen in advance “The result can be seen immediately, even in the mirror. This allows the patient to get a feel for what her breasts will look like after the operation and which size and shape is right for her. The 3D image can be forwarded by email so that the patient can consult with her partner, friends or family. This also helps enormously with the decision-making.” Seven facts you should know about breast augmentation: 1. The goal: The aim of augmentation (breast enhancement) is a naturally enlarged breast without recognizable implants or an artificial appearance. The incision should be barely noticeable, and the new, enhanced breasts should have a tactile sensation similar to that of a natural breast. 2. Indication: Those suitable for breast augmentation are healthy, emotionally stable patients who have a realistic expectation regarding what can be achieved with a proper and precisely planned operation. Possible indications for breast augmentation are a) the aesthetic desire for larger breasts, b) breasts that are too small in relation to body size and weight, c) breasts of disproportionate sizes which can only be disguised by using bra inserts, and d) disorders such as the tubular breast that causes the breasts to have a “tubular” appearance. 3. The procedure: every patient’s body measurements, weight, breast and skin/soft tissue ratio are individual. Each operation, therefore, is a unique interaction of different components: the chosen surgical approach, the selected implant and, possibly, an accompanying measure such as an additional breast lift or nipple correction.… weiterlesen

All Eyes on the Mouth

Lip augmentations are now more popular than ever The mouth is not only our most beautiful tool for speaking and kissing. Our lips convey emotions. They express what we’re thinking and feeling right at this moment. They influence how our environment perceives us. With a radiant smile we appear more friendly while drooping corners of the mouth make us look sad and ill-tempered. Whether it be in conversations with friends or with the boss, on a date or in the duckface pose for the next Selfie. The ideal lip shape But what does the most attractive lip shape actually look like? First of all: It is definitely not the ubiquitous pout, seen every day on numerous Instagram feeds. In a US study published by researchers on the Jama Facial Plastic Surgery platform, 428 people were presented with 100 portraits of women. The outcome was that the ideal is not the full, evenly-shaped lip. Which shape then? Optimally, the lower lip should be twice the size of the upper lip and occupy about 10 percent of the lower third of the face. At first glance, this may sound rather disproportionate. But in actual fact, it’s not. The pleasing, natural lip shape of model Miranda Kerr comes quite close to the ideal. But not everyone is lucky enough to have this and some would like a little help. Lip enlargement with hyaluronic acid “Lip augmentation is a frequently desired treatment to enlarge inherently narrow lips, especially with our younger patients. But it also plays an important role with older age groups in order to optically rejuvenate the area around the mouth. The aim here is to rebuild lost volume,” says Dr. Sonja Sattler from the Bellari Institute in Frankfurt and Hamburg. The most important aspect of lip fillers is the use of high-quality hyaluronic acid products. Cheap suppliers often use non-crosslinked hyaluronic acids, which only have a short-term effect. “Products which claim ‘lasting’ results are strongly discouraged, as they can lead to inflammatory nodules and asymmetry, even years later,” says Dr. Sattler. And: Since small injury points are caused by the needles being repeatedly placed on and under the red of the lips during an injection, frequent injections can lead to minor scarring here. The product should not contain any additives but should consist of pure hyaluronan. Dr. Sonja Sattler: “Unfortunately, we frequently see patients who come to us in desperation after suffering serious permanent consequences (bumps, etc.)… weiterlesen

The New Art of Body Shaping…

…but it doesn’t always have to mean surgery The days of Size Zero are over – looking healthy and fit is considered sexy today and a lot can be achieved with regular exercise and a healthy diet. Nevertheless, there are parts of the body that even these can’t influence. Sometimes even the strictest diet and the most strenuous workout can’t help, especially in cases of genetically misplaced fat deposits or sagging skin after weight loss. Nature takes its toll as well and during the aging process, metabolic processes slow down, altering the hormone balance. The ratio of fat to muscle mass changes: Men suddenly develop breasts or so-called “love handles” in the hip area. With women it is often around the abdomen including the back, the “riding breeches” or the inner thighs. Liposuction is no substitute for a diet Every year the Rosenpark Klinik treats over 2000 patients in the field of body shaping. Of these, alone more than 1000 of them undergo liposuction which permanently reduces the excess amount of fat cells in the affected areas and the balances the silhouette. Those who believe that liposuction is a means to reduce weight are mistaken. “The sole purpose here is the harmonization of the body form and the removal of problem zones”, says Dr. Gerhard Sattler, head of the Rosenpark Klinik. The problem frequently addressed is that of the “riding breeches”. Regardless of whether they are slim or somewhat sturdier, countless women suffer from this unattractive deformation of the thighs which stems from an overabundance of fat cells. Liposuction is a proven method of reduction in this case and even if the patient gains weight over time, these disproportionate bulges will not develop again at the same place. “As an experienced practitioner, however, I always have to take the overall picture into consideration,” says Sattler. “The removal of a problem zone alone does not by any means ensure a beautiful body shape. In most cases, it therefore makes sense to treat further areas in order to create a harmonious silhouette”. The Vibration Cannula technique and Tumescent Local Anesthesia For over 19 years, several liposuction procedures have been performed daily at the Rosenpark Klinik. The vibration cannula technique is used in tumescent local anesthesia to remove excess fatty tissue painlessly and sustainably. Tumescent local anesthesia is a mixture of saline solution and local anesthetics. It not only numbs the tissue but softens the fat cells as well.… weiterlesen