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Author: Edmond Raetzel

C&C-Autor aus Hannover Als Profi-Fotograf hilft Edmond RĂ€tzel anderen Fotografen und Filmemachern, die sich aus einer NebentĂ€tigkeit heraus selbststĂ€ndig machen wollen. Oberstes Ziel ist es, die Sichtbarkeit fĂŒr potenzielle Kunden zu erhöhen, ein schlĂŒssiges Angebotskonzept zu erstellen und sich preislich angemessen zu positionieren. Doch auch Webseitengestaltung, Marketing, professionelle Werbekampagnen, Bestandskundenpflege, GesprĂ€chsfĂŒhrung und Mitarbeitersuche gehören zum Know-how, mit dem er seine Kollegen unterstĂŒtzt.

Vacation Photos – These Pro Tips Will Make Them Perfect

Photography is a passion shared by many vacationers. But not every photo that initially seems successful stands up to the rigorous scrutiny at home. At the latest when you have to explain to friends and relatives what you see in the photos, you know: it’s time to improve your own photographic skills. Vacation photos failed? “It’s often not the technique at all, but the inner hecticness that prevents us from photographing a subject ideally,” explains professional photographer Edmond RĂ€tzel. “But that can be worked on,” he encourages. He knows that those who take a little time for their photos will capture much better images than someone who frantically snaps away at it. Here are five tips from the expert on how to take great vacation photos that will still inspire you when you get home. Tip 1: Find the right location or setting“Every place tells a story, every picture captures it,” says Edmond RĂ€tzel. For great vacation pictures, it therefore pays to find out in advance where you can find exciting locations or backdrops. This way, you don’t just save time. It also helps you gain important knowledge about your vacation spot and you can better plan your ventures. Tip 2: Take only necessary equipment with youRĂ€tzel: “The more equipment you have with you, the greater the danger of playing around with it instead of focusing on fantastic subjects.” A good photo is more effective through its visual language than through superfluous technology. The large equipment can therefore confidently stay at home, which also has the advantage that you save luggage. Tip 3: The most important piece of equipment is the tripodOne thing you should never do without is a tripod. According to RĂ€tzel, it is a must in every vacation suitcase. If necessary, it can also be a mini version. The only important thing is that the tripod makes it possible to shoot self-portraits and take shake-free pictures. You should also be able to use it for long exposures. Tip 4: Plan the ideal moment“The golden hour, i.e. sunrise and sunset, are perfect times for taking pictures,” says the professional photographer. It’s worth getting up early sometimes. It’s not for nothing that these early or later hours of the day are often chosen for photo production in professional shootings. However, the ideal time always depends on the subject you want to get in front of the camera. For example, the open mouth of a hippo is always worth a photo, even in the rain.… weiterlesen