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Author: Carolin Tengelmann

C&C Autorin aus Köln Carolin Tengelmann ist Rektusdiastase-Expertin und Gründerin von Prexletics. Durch ihr fundiertes Fachwissen, ihre langjährige Erfahrung und eigenes Betroffensein hat sie eine einzigartige Coaching-Methode entwickelt, um Frauen und auch von Diastase betroffene Männer dabei zu unterstützen, trotz Alltagsstress ihre Lebensqualität zu verbessern und ihr Wohlbefinden zu steigern.

Postnatal Health Problems – Rectus Diastasis

Rectus diastasis is one of the symptoms that can cause postnatal discomfort. It is often overlooked. In this guest article, expert Carolin Tengelmann talks about what may be the common cause behind your postnatal symptoms and how she helps mothers to improve their quality of life again. As a rectus diastasis expert, Carolin Tengelmann takes a holistic approach to everyday behavior, posture training, muscle exercises and nutrition. She has not only closed her own diastasis but has also helped many women and men to regain their quality of life and enjoyment of life. Because diastasis is not just an issue for young mothers. After the birth of your child, your life as a mother is completely reorganized. Joy and exhaustion alternate constantly. But sometimes the emotional challenges are joined by physical ailments that make motherhood a burden. Weeks, months and even years after giving birth, many mothers struggle with a variety of symptoms, such as back pain, pelvic floor complaints, gastrointestinal problems, posture problems, bloating, period problems and stress incontinence. The often overlooked problem 
 You may have noticed that your belly doesn’t look the way you expected it to after giving birth. This could be due to rectus diastasis – a change in the body that is often overlooked but can have major consequences. It affects the tissue that connects your straight abdominal muscles in the middle. The linea alba, as the tendon plate on which the straight and oblique abdominal muscles are suspended, is so overstretched and weakened in the case of rectus diastasis that the abdominal wall is less able to withstand the pressure of the organs. This results in a pregnant appearance. The various causes

The most common cause of rectus diastasis is pregnancy, where the growing abdomen stretches the abdominal wall to make room for the baby. However, weight gain, abdominal surgery, as well as certain exercises such as crunches, sit-ups and some Pilates or yoga exercises can also contribute to rectus diastasis by overstretching and straining the connective tissue of the linea alba. Many women are unaware of this and do not realize that it can be the cause of their discomfort. If left untreated, it can have far-reaching effects on the whole body. Effects of rectus diastasis These can be varied and have a major impact on your life. Here are some of the possible consequences:
Pelvic floor problems and stress incontinence: If the abdomen is no longer sufficiently stabilized, the pelvic floor can become strained, leading to problems such as stress incontinence.… weiterlesen