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Work-life balance – How Companies Attract Female Specialists For An Attractive Working Environment

Work-life balance is a particularly important criterion for women in professional life. Despite the public image, many industries are still male-dominated. In practice, this means that everyday working life is tailored to the life situation of men.

There is still a lack of work-life balance in many companies. Everyday working life offers women in particular little flexibility and poor prospects. As a result, applications are limited. Reiner Huthmacher shows how companies can improve their work-life balance and create a working environment that is attractive to women.

Work-life balance is a tough criterion today

Strengthening work-life balance and flexible working options is particularly important for women. The right measures ensure that family work does not become a career obstacle. On the other hand, they enable the company to recruit qualified specialists who identify with the company.

Employer attractiveness is an important factor in recruiting. This means that companies can use it to increase the number of applications. They just have to take into account the demands that modern specialists have of their employer. Gender ratios play a central role in recruitment. The math is not difficult: employers who are attractive to female specialists are potentially 50 percent more likely to attract applicants.

Recognizing life realities – offering flexibility

What measures can companies take to achieve an acceptable work-life balance? Today, qualified specialists are not only looking for salary when they are looking for an employer. Flexible working opportunities, appreciation and a positive working environment are at least as important. The attractiveness of an employer depends largely on them. It is advisable to offer flexible working hours and a home office option.

These options make it easier for women with children or relatives in need of care to combine their job with family work. Thanks to remote work and video conferencing, there are many models available today that meet the needs of life and ensure that the company can do a good job. Every company has its own models. Once they have been found, they should not be mentioned in the job interview. Successful entrepreneurs make them part of the corporate culture and present them publicly.

Promising the future – giving women prospects

Skilled workers want a company to offer them prospects. This means that they must offer female employees prospects for development. Further training and things like mentoring programs for female managers create the right conditions. Many companies involve their specialists in networks that support female employees. When it comes to further training, it is important to talk to female employees. On the one hand, personal interests and personal motivation can become the driving force for committed development. In addition, female specialists have the opportunity to point out problems and make their own suggestions.

Using diversity as a corporate resource

Inclusion and diversity are two further prerequisites for success. This point also shows the central change in perspective that also comes into play when it comes to retaining female employees: taking into account people’s special life situations used to be seen as a problem. Today, companies have recognized it as an opportunity.

Firstly, gender equality, inclusion and diversity mean that people with many different perspectives are brought together in one company. This strengthens the wealth of ideas within the company and the potential for innovation. Secondly, the company is implementing its aim of creating working conditions that do justice to personal life situations. And every single employee benefits from this.

Health insurance – company benefits

A firm pillar of a good work-life balance are company health programs, company health insurance benefits and support services for healthy work without stress. Why should insurance benefits in particular increase employer attractiveness? Insurance provides security in those areas where people are concerned about health risks. It offers this promise not only in the form of appreciative words, but with a firm written assurance.

A company can also offer its employees coverage for the cost of visual aids. It can hold out the prospect of financing expensive dental treatment. A prompt appointment with a specialist and above-average medical care can be guaranteed. Experience has shown that for many female employees, the issue of health is even more important than for men. Companies have the opportunity to take out insurance packages that are specifically tailored to the interests of women.

Wellness and a positive approach to everyday life

The providers of health insurance packages often have useful contacts for further support services. Successful companies do not stop at the insurance contract. They offer benefits that improve health and are fun for people. Free or discounted gym membership is an example of this. Many employees are happy to accept such offers.

Fitness chains often offer discounted conditions to companies with many employees. Courses on stress management and strengthening resilience are gratefully received. Offers such as yoga, meditation, seminars for more mindfulness, cooking courses for healthy eating, professional massages or back training for office workers are also held in companies today. It is important to respond to individual wishes. In this way, offers are created that are a real enrichment for employees.

Ensuring childcare for female colleagues

Companies must never forget one classic issue when it comes to recruiting female employees and promoting work-life balance. This is childcare. Even with flexible working hours and working from home, children cannot be looked after “on the side”. Secure childcare guarantees that mothers have a clear head during working hours. There are well-known large companies that have their own daycare centers. For smaller companies, cooperation with a kindergarten in the region can be useful. Some companies help to find babysitters.


With the right measures, working conditions can be improved to suit individual life situations. This can improve employer attractiveness and strengthen the work-life balance. In addition to structural measures such as the introduction of flexible working hours, specific benefits in the area of occupational healthcare are an important measure. In practice, it has been shown that this makes companies much more attractive to female applicants. Ultimately, however, consideration for individual life circumstances does not only benefit them. All employees benefit from it.

female specialists, work-life balance

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